Rationality as

Pragmatic Worldly Prudence:

Kant’s Anthropology

and the Modern Social Sciences

DFG Project, May 2021 – April 2024

Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute of Philosophy

Chair of Modern Philosophy (Prof. Dr. Marcus Willaschek)

The turning out of books is not an insignificant branch of business in a commonwealth whose culture has already progressed quite far, and where reading has become a nearly indispensable and general need.“ 

Kant, On turning out books (1798), AA VIII: 436


1. Journal articles


Bakhurst, D., 2021. Après le déluge: Teaching and Learning in the age of COVID,
Journal of Philosophy of Education, 55.4-5, pp. 621-632.


Bakhurst, D., Sticker, M., 2021. Kant on Education and Improvement: Themes and Problems,
Journal of Philosophy of Education, 55.6, pp. 909-920.


Bakhurst, D., 2021. Human nature, reason and morality,
Journal of Philosophy of Education, 55.6, pp. 1029-1044.


Bazhanov, V., 2020. The nature of mathematics through the lens of cognitive research.
Voprosy Filosofii, 2020-11, pp. 87-96. (In Russian)


Bazhanov, V., 2021. The Number and the Kantian Research Program in Modern Neuroscience.
Voprosy Filosofii, 2021-7, pp. 50-60. (In Russian)


Chaly, V., 2021. Kant’s Menschheit and Its Interpretations,
Con-Textos Kantianos. No. 14, pp. 327-343


Dmitrieva, N., 2021. The Kantian origins of Sergei Rubinstein’s theory of moral improvement,
Journal of Philosophy of Education, 55.6, pp. 1126-1141.


Dmitrieva, N. 2021. Sergey Rubinstein on Hegel’s Method of Thinking: a Neo-Kantian Criticism.
Voprosy Filosofii, 2021-9, pp. 90-102. (In Russian)


Kornilaev, L., 2021. Kant’s doctrine of education and the problem of artificial intelligence,
Journal of Philosophy of Education, 55.6, pp. 1072-1080.


Krouglov, A. 2020. The discussion about Kant during the Great Patriotic War: The look 75 years after the victory,
Part I. Voprosy Filosofii, 2020-5, pp. 192‒209. (In Russian)


Krouglov, A., 2020. The discussion about Kant during the Great Patriotic War: The look 75 years after the victory,
Part II. Voprosy Filosofii, 2020-6, pp. 169‒189. (In Russian)


Krouglov, А., 2022/in press. Russian Kant scholarship The dissolution of the Soviet Union.
Ideology and Politics Journal.  No. 19.


Lewin, M., 2021. Kant’s Metaphilosophy, Open Philosophy, 2021-4/1, pp. 292-310.


Meer, R., 2021. Alois Riehl and the History of Psychology: The 1913 Declaration of the Philosophers,

European Yearbook of the History of Psychology, Vol. 7.


Meer, R., 2021/in press. Die Raum- und Zeitlehre Alois Riehls im Kontext realistischer Interpretationen
von Kants transzendentalem Idealismus. Kant-Studien.


Sticker, M., 2021. Kant on Thinking for Oneself and with Others – The Ethical A Priori, Openness and Diversity,

Journal of Philosophy of Education, 55.6, pp. 949-965.


Sticker, M., 2021/in press. Poverty, Exploitation, Mere Things and Mere Means.
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, online first.


Sticker, M. 2021/in press. Kant on true needs. Kant-Studien, online first.


Hoesch, M., Sticker, M., 2021. Parfit’s Mixed Maxim Objection against the Formula of Universal Law Reconsidered.
The Journal of Value Inquiry.


Sticker, M., 2021. Poverty, Exploitation, Mere Things and Mere Means. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice.


Zilber, A., Lugovoy, S. 2021, Kant’s conservative liberalism from the stand-point
of E. Burke’s liberal conservatism, Filosofskii zhurnal / Philosophy Journal, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 50–64. (In Russian)


Zagirnyak, М., 2021. Sociability and education in Kant and Hessen,
Journal of Philosophy of Education, 55.6, pp. 1112-1125.


2. Book chapters


Krouglov, A. 2021/in press. The reception of Kant’s philosophy in Russia.
The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought, eds. V. F. Bykova, M. N. Forster & L. Steiner.
London: Palgrave Macmillan.


Sticker, M. 2021. How common is common human reason?
In: Kant on Morality, Humanity, and Legalityed. by A. Lyssy & C. Yeomans.

Sturm. T. 2021. Theories of rationality and the descriptive/normative divide: A historical approach.

In: Handbook on Rationality, ed. M. Knauff & W. Spohn. Cambridge/MA: MIT Press, pp. 71-86.

Sturm, T. 2021/in press. The conception of Kant’s “Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science”:
Aims, method, and subject matter.
In: Cambridge Critical Guide to Kant’s “Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science”,
ed. M.B. McNulty. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.q

3. Monographs, edited books, and special issues of journals


Bazhanov V., 2022. Культурный мозг — нейронаука — математика. Прислушиваясь к И. Канту
[Cultural brain – neuroscience – mathematics. Listening to I. Kant]. Moscow, Saint Petersburg, 2022.


Кантианская рациональность в науке, обществе, образовании: коллективная монография
[Kantian rationality in science, society, education] / Ed. by N. Dmitrieva. Kaliningrad; Мoscow;
Saint Petersburg., 2022. — 510 p. (authors: N. Dmitrieva, V. Bazhanov, A. Krouglov, L. Kornilaev,
M. Zagirnyak, А. Zilber, M. Lewin, S. Lugovoy, V. Chaly, Т. Sturm, M. Sticker, D. Bakhurst, R. Meer).


Sticker M. Rationalizing (Vernünfteln). Cambridge University Press, 2021.


Bakhurst, D. & Sticker, M. (eds.), 2021. Special issue on “Kant on education and improvement”,
Journal for the Philosophy of Education, 55.6.


Sturm, T., Gava, G. & Vesper, A. (eds.), forthcoming. Kant and the Systematicity of the Sciences.
London: Routledge.

© Alexey Salikov, Thomas Sturm, Alexey Zhavoronkov 2022-2024