Rationality as
Pragmatic Worldly Prudence:
Kant’s Anthropology
and the Modern Social Sciences
DFG Project, May 2021 – April 2024
Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute of Philosophy
Chair of Modern Philosophy (Prof. Dr. Marcus Willaschek)
Alexey Zhavoronkov works at the Institute of Philosophy, Goethe University Frankfurt. After receiving his PhDs in Classical Philology (State University for the Humanities, Moscow) and Philosophy (Humboldt University Berlin), he taught or held researcher positions in Potsdam, Erfurt and Moscow (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences). His main interests include Kant’s and Nietzsche’s philosophy, Hannah Arendt’s political thought and history of philosophical anthropology in Germany. Among his recent publications are Nietzsche und die Anthropologie (2018, ed. with Th. Ebke), Nihilism and the Crisis of Tradition: Arendt and Contemporary Radical Conservatism (2018), Die soziologische Rezeption von Kants Anthropologie im 20. Jahrhundert: Probleme und Perspektiven (2020), Nietzsche und Homer (2021), and Kant’s Pragmatic Use of Reason from a Sociological Point of View: Third Way or Methodological Impasse? (2022).